
Tour Guide:

Tour Guide
To become a tour guide you must be 45 days old and take a quiz. Go to the Ski Village, click on the Tour Guide booth and answer the following questions.
Q) Which color of puffle can catch on fire?
A) Black
Q) What item is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of Bean Counter?
A) A flower pot
Q) How do you get a pin?
A) Click on it
Q) What is the name of the big fish in Ice Fishing?
A) Mullet
Q) Which room has a Cuckoo clock?
A) Ski Lodge
Q) How does the pink puffle play?
A) Skips with a skipping rope
Q) How many Sled Racing tracks are there?
A) 4
Q) What item is always hidden in the Clothing Catalog every month?
A) The Viking Helmet
Q) In what room can you fin old copies of the Penguin Times?
A) Boiler Room
Q) Which of these rooms doesn’t have music in the backround?
A) Pet Shop
Q) How many coins does it cost to buy a player card backround?
A) 60
Q) What is the name of Captain Rockhoppers ship?
A) The Migrator
Q) Which of these games has a shark in it?
A) Jetpack Adventure
Q) Which of the rooms does NOT have a game in it?
A) Beach
Q) What day does the news paper come out?
A) Thursday

EPF Agent:

EPF Agent
Want to become an EPF agent? Head over to the Everyday Phoning Facility and waddle to the phone booth next to the main desk.
The Director will talk to you and ask you if you’d like to protect the island. If you accept the challenge click the “Yes” button.
The island needs you.
Become an agent and help protect Club Penguin. Will you take up the challenge?
The Director will then welcome you to the island and give you a spy phone – your most important tool – to receive your orders.
Welcome to the Elite Penguin Force Agent. Here’s your spy phone – your most important tool. Keep it on you to receive orders.
Congratulations! You are now an Elite Penguin Force Agent.
We look forward to working with you, agent. Enter the Command Room to hone your skills. And good luck.


How To Become A Ninja
To become a ninja head over to the Dojo Courtyard. Sensei will talk to you and give you a Snow Starter Deck and an amulet to get started.
Greeting Ninja.
Train here in the ancient  art of Card-Jitsu. This amulet is symbol of your ninja triumphs. You are ready. Begin.
Waddle inside the Dojo and talk to Sensei. He’ll explain to you how Card-Jitsu works:
First pick a card to play…
While picking a card keep in mind Snow beats Water…
Fire beats Snow..
… and Water beats Fire.
If cards are the same, the highest number wins.
There are two ways to win: Have three cards of the same type in 3 different colors…
.. or have one of each card type in different colors.
You’re now ready to battle! Each time you win a match you’ll receive points to progress and collect your next belt. There are 9 different belts:
To collect each belt you must win the following amount of times:
  • White belt – 5 wins
  • Yellow belt – 10 wins
  • Orange belt – 20 wins
  • Green belt – 30 wins
  • Blue belt – 40 wins
  • Red belt – 50 wins
  • Purple belt – 60 wins
  • Brown belt – 75 wins
  • Black belt – 90 wins
Once you’ve earned the black belt talk to the Sensei challenge him. One thing is for sure: you won’t beat Sensei the first time. Keep trying at don’t get discouraged. It  usually takes 8-10 times to beat him.
Once you’ve beaten Sensei you’ll receive the mark of a Card-Jitsu master, a ninja mask.

Congratulations! You’re now a ninja.

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